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Press simultaneously to size up or - to size down. What can we do for you? Incubation and coworking spaces. What can we do for you? Incubation and coworking spaces. BTO has provided me with critical advice to develop my ideas for children in Norway and around the world. They helped me to navigate between obstacles, making it possible to combine clinical work with research.
Biologist investigating embryos and larvae of marine invertebrates to understand the evolution of animal forms. Lineus longissimus the longest animal on Earth? Segmentation, a question of boundaries. Spiral cleavage, an oblique matter. Larvae as the epitome of evolution. Lineus longissimus the longest animal on Earth? Last year the PeerJ journal. Published an article about the largest marine animals.
Nasjonalt institutt for ernærings- og sjømatforskning. NIFES forsker på ernæring; fôr til fisk og fisk som mat. 45; Vi har veldig mykje ny kunnskap, seier forskar Kristin Hamre. Denne veka møtest forskarar på NIFES for å summere fire års dugnad på den aller minste torsken. Har funnet nye metoder for å analysere arsen i fiskeoljer. Mus ble fetere av soyaolje. Fet fisk er trygg mat.
Universitetet i Bergen - Kommunikasjonsavdelingen
Silje Vik Pedersen
NYgaardsgaten 5
Bergen, 5020
Containing the phrase water supplies. Containing the prase Doe, John in the author field. Containing the word IEEE in the title field. Research Institutions in Architecture, Design and Conservation. The Danish National Centre for Social Research.
Containing the phrase water supplies. Containing the prase Doe, John in the author field. Containing the word IEEE in the title field. Research Institutions in Architecture, Design and Conservation. The Danish National Centre for Social Research.
SURF Current Items - CHECKLIST HELPS SELECT RESEARCH DATA TO BE PRESERVED. The quantity of research data continues to grow. Because of this increasing volume of data, it is important to know how long researchers and institutions want it to be preserved. Just as important is knowing what data is worth preserving. To help researchers decide, general guidelines. Study on dealing with research data.
Gunhild Nyborg disputerer fredag 19.
Audun Farbrot om kommunikasjon av fag og forskning. Hjelp, jeg skal i manesjen. Få dager til disputas, og en PhD-student spør om råd i presentasjonsteknikk. Hva er lurt å tenke på og gjøre like før du skal ut i manesjen? Få dager til disputas. Noen innspill? Faksimile av Twittermeldingen jeg fikk fra Siri Marte Apneseth. For noen uker siden fikk jeg en Twittermelding fra Siri Marte Apneseth.